Wednesday, January 31, 2007

January's Gone...

Well, I must post one last entry before the end of January, must'nt I? January has come and gone. It's getting cold here and there may be some snow tonight or tomorrow. I may even have the day off tomorrow. I will have to wait and see. Anyway, I work until 8 p.m. tonight - teaching a class on, of all things, blogging.

I have the feeling that things will be getting hectic for me and Susan before long, but not quite yet. Taxes are also coming up. I think we have all the paper work in, but I am not sure. Will see. Will also try and decide who will be doing our taxes. How go things with whomever reads this? Leave a comment would you?

That's all for now...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

How about a break?

Ok, so it's been a while since my last post. I've been pretty bogged down in the thesis and dealing with numerous catastrophes as they've come about, not to mention plagued with the occasional migraine and stomach virus. Chapter One of the thesis is nearly done--as in very soon almost ready to submit for publication somewhere. I'm working on Chapter Two's intro and it is coming along slowly, but what I have done is pretty good.

The cats and gophers are good. Ash is growing some fur back from where he licked it off in his infinite wisdom. No more hairballs either, which is always a good thing. Clyde is fat and finicky and Kit is still the sweetheart of the house. She sits in my lap quite a bit while I type. We've had an influx of birds as late, so they are enjoying that.

Well, back to work. Hopefully I'll have more to report once Chapter Two is submitted to my mentors for revision. Toodles!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Updates, as always, by me

Susan is a bit busy, so here is an update on what I have been up to...perhaps...

Well, work, lots of it coming up. I am working today till 2 PM. I will work all next week plus Saturday again. A couple of those days next week will be worked till 8 PM. (10:30 AM. - 8 PM that is). Not complaining as the extra hours are always nice to have. Also, my adjunct teaching job starts on Monday, so that will make one really late night - 9 p.m. - for the next 3 1/2 months. No, no money dance, as with two jobs the money dance is still not plausible.

The above is a section of a post from my VOX blog, please go to my VOX blog to read the rest. I am trying to get Susan to sign up for her very own blog, but who knows what will happen.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Such is Life...

Originally uploaded by Famille-DeVries.
For your entertainment...

We all need many things like we need another hole in the head.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Blog, Blog, Blog, and more BLOG

Well, from the title you can see, or perhaps infer, that I am almost blogged out, overblogged, or just plain bloggy. Anyway, Susan (gophergetter) had a nice long post not too long ago, go read it. It is directly beneath this post. Anyway, not much else going on that I can (work) or need to say at the moment. However, for your pleasure, here are the rest of my blogs:
  1. Vox
  2. Livejournal
  3. Myspace
  4. Bathroomguide (seldom, if ever, updated)
  5. Facebook (I am ashamed to admit, but here it is)

Go read them, they are all subtly different, or are they?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hallelujah! A Brand New Year!

Well, Mike's right. I have been lazy on posting, but I've been pretty damn busy. Let's see....where to start. Well, I started writing my thesis on January 1, so some progress is being made there. I've got to have my thesis edited, bound, presented, and defended by April 1. It's daunting, but I can do it (hey, I never claimed to be sane)! I have to if I want to graduate this May. And that is something I really want to do, because if I graduate in May I can go work on my Ph.D. the following fall with this awesome prof who works with the influences of hormones on avian behavior. Yep, I know that means I'll have to go WAY out of my comfort zone and learn how to work with birds and (heaven forbid) acquire some laboratory skills, but I'm ready for a challenge and this opportunity is just too good to pass up.

The gophers are good. Mike has had to help me clean over the holidays, but he hasn't fussed too much. I was pretty fortunate that my good buds, Zach and Tommy, fed the little buggers over the holidays so we could go home for a little while. The three amigos (cats) were kept alive by my other good bud, Stacie, so many thanks to her as well!

Well, I'm off to go through some more data. We started working out again and although we are sore as heck, we have more energy, so I'm putting it to good use. Enjoy the pic!