So, again, it's been a while, a long while. I doubt there are any readers out there anyway, and I may need to send out links for this thing again, but, this blog, as it is, is still here and is a bit of a record of our journeys since 2006 or so.
I mostly started using this again, so recently, because Google was kind enough to remind me that they own Blogger and that if I wanted to continue having this blog, I needed to migrate or some other such thing. I feel that most of our stuff is on Facebook, so I don't really know what the point is to Blogging these days, but I guess, not all are on Facebook. I'm on Twitter as well, but, as of yet, my Twitter handle is more or less not known to many. Twitter is one of the few remaining places for anonymity on the Web these days - or, it can act that way. I've lost a lot of other blogs and the like over the years because of lost interest and because I don't like to merge worlds - anonymous me versus well, non-anonymous me.
Anyway, we're once again at that time of uncertainty in our lives and we may also be needing a new vehicle before long, but who knows, Old Bessie may hold out for a while yet. Perhaps there'll be more posts in the future.
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