Tuesday, May 15, 2012


So, again, it's been a while, a long while. I doubt there are any readers out there anyway, and I may need to send out links for this thing again, but, this blog, as it is, is still here and is a bit of a record of our journeys since 2006 or so.

I mostly started using this again, so recently, because Google was kind enough to remind me that they own Blogger and that if I wanted to continue having this blog, I needed to migrate or some other such thing. I feel that most of our stuff is on Facebook, so I don't really know what the point is to Blogging these days, but I guess, not all are on Facebook. I'm on Twitter as well, but, as of yet, my Twitter handle is more or less not known to many. Twitter is one of the few remaining places for anonymity on the Web these days - or, it can act that way. I've lost a lot of other blogs and the like over the years because of lost interest and because I don't like to merge worlds - anonymous me versus well, non-anonymous me.

Anyway, we're once again at that time of uncertainty in our lives and we may also be needing a new vehicle before long, but who knows, Old Bessie may hold out for a while yet. Perhaps there'll be more posts in the future.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

It's been a while (aka Project #4)...


It has been a long time since either one of us has posted to this blog; hey, we've been busy. Anyway, I now find myself having to post to a blog for a class assignment, so I figured I may as well use this one. Who knows, perhaps I will post more in the future; however, I bet my wife will not post.

The class requiring this post is LIS 558, appropriately named Internet Resources and Applications. I am taking this class as a part of my 20 year goal of gaining a MLIS - Master of Library and Information Science. Well, hopefully, it will only take 3 years or so, but one must plan for the long term.

Currently, I am working as a Branch Manager of a smallish library somewhere in Mississippi. My wife is still working towards her PhD in Biology, as well as teaching the occasional lab. All of our cats are doing well.

Until next time...

P.S. If you notice, most of the Flickr photos in the older posts are not showing up, sorry. Just click on the name of the picture and it should take you to our Flickr page.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Mississippi - We are here...

Been a long time since anyone of us has posted; however, we are still alive. We now reside in Mississippi. So long Little Rock - we left you in such a blur. Things are well. I am working, Susan is working, cats are adjusted, etc...
One small complaint = the food here ain't as good as LR, well not just yet.
Possibly more posts to come...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Clinton Library

Clinton Library and Big Rig
Originally uploaded by Famille-DeVries.

We have not been here as of yet. Seeing as we are leaving, we should probably make a visit. I just feel funny about having to pay to get into a library. I know it is not that type of library, but it rather is as well. Anyway, I took this shot from the parking deck I use while I am at work.
There are not that many places with Presidential Libraries, so I think we will go and see what it is all about.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

We are moving...

Originally uploaded by Famille-DeVries.

Greetings All!

I finally get to mention that big news I mentioned in a previous post. Susan and I are moving to Mississippi as soon as May 2007, so in a few months. I get to mention it now because I have officially submitted my letter of resignation to CALS. As of May 04, 2007, I am no longer an employee at CALS.

Anyway, as to why we are moving, I have but to say that it worked out to be the best for the both of us. Susan is going to be working on her Ph. D. at USM and I have been granted a branch manager's position at a library close to where we will be moving. I will try not to act like the manager in the photo above. Susan also received some type of Doctoral Fellowship/Grant thing that was actually quite competitive. I believe out of the whole school, only two Ph. D. students were able to receive it and she got it.

Further, we are going to try to buy a house. I will be making more money and Susan should be making more as well. We will not be making that much more, but houses are a little cheaper in Mississippi. Anyway, we will be in Mississippi much longer than we were in Arkansas, so a house just makes more sense. Plus, we want to own something and have a large amount of debt hanging over us.

That is all for now. Susan may update this blog with better details on her new work, but then again, she may not. She now has her own personal blog at VOX, so you can check her out there now as well.

Good Day!

Monday, March 05, 2007

So much to say...

Well, howdy! I, we, have so much to say, but I can't quite say it here because of who may be reading - rest assured that you aren't that person, probably. There are just a lot of things going on right now. April and May will be incredibly busy, fun, exciting, horrible, scary, busy months for both Susan and me. We also just got back from Greensburg and found out that Susan's brother will not be getting his electric company job back - long, long story. This discovery made for an interesting trip to the 'Burg. He needs to get a job - know of any openings?
More will come, I promise, when I can talk about it without reservation. Until then, good day dear reader(s).

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I just had to share this. I love the crocs!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Happy Mardi Gras!

Originally uploaded by kccornell.
Sometimes, some things make me miss home - sometimes. This is not really a Mardi Gras picture, but it is a picture that represents South Louisiana. It was taken, I assume, by my cousin. Anyway, I hope you have a great Fat Tuesday.
Good Day!